Writing and Research Tips


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Thoughtful Thursday: Mindfulness

25th August 2022

We posted on Facebook last week about a study that found increased rates of depression or anxiety in graduate students, compared to the general population; the post did so well that we realized that many people might benefit from some tips and resources about anxiety, depression, and stress reduction on a consistent basis.

How to Convert Your Dissertation into a Book

25th August 2022

Completing a dissertation is a tremendous milestone, but it is important to keep in mind that a dissertation is not a book.

Beyond Word: Word Processors for Dissertation Writers

25th August 2022

When you write a dissertation, you spend a lot of time staring at text on a computer screen. Writing, and doing dissertation formatting and editing takes a long time.

Dissertation Formatting Help: Which Formatting Style Should You Use?

25th August 2022

It's likely that your school, department, or dissertation advisor will tell you which citation and writing style guide to use for your dissertation.

Dissertation Formatting Help: APA-Style Headings Explained

25th August 2022

Dissertation formatting shouldn't be rocket science – but sometimes it can be just as stressful as writing the dissertation itself.

Dissertation Formatting Help: In-text Citation Basics in APA and MLA Style

25th August 2022

  APA and MLA are two of the most commonly used academic style and citation systems – and depending on your discipline, it's likely that you'll be called on to use at least one of them at some point in your scholarly career, possibly even for your dissertation.

What Is Plagiarism and How Do I Avoid Plagiarizing?

25th August 2022

Academia takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously; the sheer accusation of it has left a shadow over the careers of even the most prestigious scholars (click here for an interesting list of famous plagiarism incidents).

Welcome to Dissertation-Editor!

25th August 2022

Welcome to our blog! Please take advantage of these free resources and articles, and feel free to contact us at any time if you have questions or to receive a free consultation! 857-600-2241 info@dissertation-editor.

Pareto Principle: Your Dissertation Is No Exception

25th August 2022

The Pareto Principle (AKA the 80-20 rule): if you’re writing your dissertation, you’re probably accustomed to this magical ratio whether you know it or not.

Dissertation Writing Practice

25th August 2022

At the start of my PhD program, a member of my dissertation committee told me something that I never thought would help me finish my degree: “There will come a point in your graduate school career where you will think you are dying.

Dissertation Research Help: Finding Free, Online Scholarly Sources

25th August 2022

While university libraries are the best starting place for dissertation research, not everyone has access to one!  Perhaps you're completing an online PhD program.

Dr. Roda on iTunes

25th August 2022

Here at Dissertation-Editor, we've written our own dissertations and theses - we know what the process is like and how much work it entails.

Finding an Outside Committee Member or Outside Reader for Your Dissertation Committee

25th August 2022

Many graduate programs require students to have a dissertation committee member who is from outside of the student's home department or field of study.

Balancing Teaching and Writing: How to Manage Your Time as a Teaching Assistant and Dissertation Writer

25th August 2022

In many graduate programs, students have the opportunity to work as teaching assistants. This can be a great way to finance your education, as teaching assistant positions at many universities come with full or partial tuition fee waivers.

What does it mean to “Advance to Candidacy” or to be “ABD”?

25th August 2022

Perhaps you've heard other PhD students talk about “advancing to candidacy” or attaining “ABD status,” and wondered what these terms mean.

Dissertation Writing Help: Organizing a Dissertation Writing Retreat

25th August 2022

When I was writing my dissertation, I attended a dissertation writing retreat organized by a research center at my university.

How to Present Your Dissertation Research at a Poster Session

25th August 2022

Many academic conferences offer an opportunity to present your research at a poster session. Poster sessions have been a longstanding feature of conferences in the sciences and social sciences, and are increasingly common in the humanities as well.

Conference Presentation Tips, Part 1: Turning a Dissertation Chapter Into a Conference Presentation

25th August 2022

Congrats! You wrote an abstract or paper proposal based on one of your dissertation chapters, you submitted it to a conference – and you got accepted! But now the hard work begins: you need to take your dissertation chapter and transform it into a conference presentation.

Conference Presentation Tips, Part 2: Delivering an Effective Conference Paper

25th August 2022

Presenting your dissertation research at a conference is fun, but it can also be daunting. Not only does the content of your presentation need to be polished and perfect, but your presentation style needs to be top notch so that you make a good impression with other scholars in your field.

What Next? How Writing a Dissertation Helps You Develop Real-World Career Skills

25th August 2022

It's that question that every grad student dreads: “What are you going to do with your PhD?” While it's true that finding permanent jobs in academia is becoming increasingly difficult, you shouldn't despair.

Dissertation Help: Setting Reasonable Dissertation Deadlines

25th August 2022

Writing a successful dissertation often comes down to being smart about deadlines: not just setting and meeting deadlines but also being reasonable and realistic about them.

How to Sit, Stand, and Stretch When You're Writing Your Dissertation

25th August 2022

If you've been sitting at your desk all day, writing your dissertation, stop what you're doing, stand up, stretch your arms in the air, and bend down and touch your toes.

Dissertation Writing Help: Using Outlines and Concept Maps

25th August 2022

There is nothing that I find more intimidating than the blank page staring me in the face when I sit down to start working on a new article or dissertation chapter.

So You Defended Your Dissertation. Now What?

25th August 2022

Imagine this: you've finished writing a dissertation. You completed your dissertation editing. Your dissertation formatting looks good, and meets all of your university's rules and expectations.

Dissertation Help: Choosing your Dissertation Topic

25th August 2022

So, you got into a graduate program. Your coursework is well underway. But you know that soon you're going to have to decide on a dissertation topic, and you don't even know where to begin.

Five Helpful Dissertation-Writing Guidebooks

25th August 2022

Sometimes writing a dissertation feels like the loneliest job in the world. But there are plenty who have gone before and made it through the process.

Dissertation Success Strategies: How Your Coursework Can Help Your Dissertation

25th August 2022

If you're still in the early stages of graduate school, you may have a year or two of coursework ahead of you before you get to turn to your dissertation.

Dissertation Research Help: Finding and Using Primary Sources

25th August 2022

When you're writing your dissertation, you will probably end up using a wide range of different research sources.

Dissertation Research Help: Finding and Using Secondary Sources

25th August 2022

In one recent post, we outlined how to find primary sources and how you might use them in your dissertation.

What does a Dissertation Advisor, Dissertation Chair, or Thesis Advisor do?

25th August 2022

This person's official title may vary from institution to institution, and from department to department: in some places they're called a dissertation advisor, a thesis advisor, or a primary advisor; in others, a dissertation chair or a dissertation committee chair.

Dissertation Editing Tips: Using Track Changes for Dissertation Editing and Review

25th August 2022

Track changes is a useful tool in Microsoft Word that you can use when you are editing your dissertation.

Dissertation Writing Help: Great Books About Writing

25th August 2022

We recently posted about some useful workbooks and manuals designed to make dissertation writing, dissertation editing, and dissertation formatting easier.

Congratulations Dr. Roda!

25th August 2022

Dissertation Editor would like to congratulate our very own Dr. Allen Roda for receiving the Klaus Wachsmann prize from the Society for Ethnomusicology.

Dissertation Help: Staying Healthy While Writing Your Dissertation

25th August 2022

Graduate programs rarely warn their students of the physical toll that dissertation writing can take.

Mental Health While Writing Your Dissertation

25th August 2022

We’ve written about staying physically healthy while writing your dissertation, but it’s important that you also stay mentally healthy.

No “I” in Dissertation Writing?

25th August 2022

In an essay for The Guardian, Aslihan Agaoglu wrote about one of the first pieces of advice she received from her dissertation advisor when she went to him seeking dissertation help: “He told me that using 'I' or 'we' is a big no-no.

Writing an Abstract: A Guide for Dissertation Writers

25th August 2022

At some point during the course of your dissertation writing process, you will likely need to write an abstract.

Structuring your Dissertation Writing Time: How to Make the Most of Your Day

25th August 2022

For me, one of the most anxiety-producing parts of dissertation writing was waking up in the morning with the entire day ahead of me and the nagging thought of “today I must write!” worming its way through my mind.

Dissertation Research Help: What are Tertiary Sources?

25th August 2022

We posted previously about Primary and Secondary sources, but there is another type of source that you may use for your dissertation research: tertiary sources.

All work and no play...

25th August 2022

If you’re in graduate school, you’re probably familiar with PhD Comics (“Piled Higher and Deeper”).

Dissertation Formatting Help: How to use Parenthetical Citations in Your Dissertation

25th August 2022

If you've started thinking about dissertation formatting and compiling your dissertation bibliography, you've probably encountered mentions of several different types of citations.

Dissertation Research Help: Archival Research Tips

25th August 2022

If you are writing a dissertation that requires you to investigate the past, you may need to undertake some archival research.

Dissertation Help: Juggling Your Dissertation and Parenting

25th August 2022

Many of the university procedures and rules that govern graduate students’ lives assume that grad school is your entire life.

Recharging Over the Summer

25th August 2022

It’s summer! While summer vacation as a graduate student doesn’t have the same allure of freedom it once did when you were a kid, it can (hopefully) still be a time of a little more relaxation than during the school year.

Finding a Mentor During Graduate School

25th August 2022

Graduate school can be a challenging endeavor, and having a mentor who is accessible, knowledgeable, and helpful can make all the difference.

Resolutions for Grad Students

25th August 2022

The new year is quickly approaching, and many people are making their resolutions. As a grad student, you might be making a list of things to finish this coming year, or things you want to do before graduate school is over, or you might be thinking, resolutions? I always give up on them anyway before January is over, so why bother? No matter what your approach, making some resolutions as a grad student can be a good idea, if done realistically.

What are "scholarly sources?"

25th August 2022

We get a variety of email queries about writing and research, and one of the most common includes questions about sources: namely, what kinds of sources are appropriate for a thesis or dissertation, and what constitutes a “scholarly source?” Many times, a client will email us because their advisor has commented on the lack of scholarly sources; or they’re unsure about whether or not they’ve gotten adequate sources.

Writing Your Dissertation: Finding the Gap

25th August 2022

You have your topic, your research questions (or at least a general idea of what they might be), and now you’re faced with a literature review.

Formatting Friday: AP Style

25th August 2022

AP style, not to be confused with APA, is the style used in The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law, commonly known as the AP Stylebook.

Gift Ideas for the Graduate in your Life

25th August 2022

It’s that time of year, and you might be wondering what to get that special graduate who’s in your life.

Dissertation Writing Tips: How to Improve and Strengthen Your Writing

25th August 2022

Nathaniel Hawthorne once said “Easy reading is damn hard writing.” He was right, of course. Good writing takes time and practice, and even if you have a natural inclination toward writing, it’s still not easy.

Classic Scary Books to Get You in the Halloween Mood

25th August 2022

Halloween is coming up, and along with black cats, pumpkins, candy, and scary movies, what about getting in the mood with some creepy classic books? Take a break from your research and writing, and escape into these time-tested stories for a few hours.

Gratitude as Stress Reduction

25th August 2022

Thanksgiving is coming up here in the States, and it’s natural for everyone to take stock of things they’re grateful for around this time, as well as in December, when the holidays are in full swing.

How to Create an Effective PowerPoint

25th August 2022

A well-done PowerPoint can be a powerful thing. It can engage a crowd, teach students, convey your hard-won research findings, and help disseminate knowledge.

Dealing With a Difficult Adviser or Chair

25th August 2022

In a perfect world, your dissertation adviser or Chair would always read and return emails promptly, provide unwavering support and expert guidance that always hits the mark.

Thoughtful Thursday: Getting Enough Sleep

25th August 2022

We’ve posted a lot of blogs on self-care: we’ve tackled mindfulness, diet, aromatherapy, stress reduction, and more, but one thing we haven’t discussed is sleep.

Dissertation Writing Tips: Getting out of ABD Status

25th August 2022

You’ve probably seen people sign their emails “So-and-so, PhD, ABD.” Don’t do that. You are either a PhD candidate or a PhD, not a “PhD ABD.

How to Write a Teaching Philosophy

25th August 2022

If you’re going into academia - teaching, especially - then at some point you’ve likely been asked to write a statement of your teaching philosophy.

Graduation Gift Ideas

25th August 2022

It’s that time of year again: graduation! If you have a friend or loved one graduating college or graduate school, but don’t know what to get them, look no further – Dissertation Editor has got your back.

Is it Too Late to go to Graduate School?

25th August 2022

If you’re reading this blog, you might be in graduate school already, you might be thinking of applying to graduate school, or you might be in the process of doing so right now.

Graduate School and Disabilities

25th August 2022

Did you know that nearly 20 percent of undergraduate students (19.4%) report having a disability, and 8 percent of masters students and 7 percent of doctoral students report having a disability? The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) defines “disability” in legal terms, not medical terms, and defines a person with a disability as “a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

APA Manual 7th Edition is Here!

25th August 2022

Many disciplines in the social sciences use APA Style formatting. What is APA Style? It is the formatting style set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Self-Care for Valentine's Day

25th August 2022

February brings with it the commercial trappings of Valentine’s Day: red and pink hearts and the ideas of romance and relationships.

Networking as a Graduate Student

25th August 2022

In a perfect world, simply going to school or an internship and working would enable you to meet everyone you need to meet and open up doors to opportunity; unfortunately, that’s not reality, and active networking is necessary.

Formatting Friday: Intro to American Medical Association formatting

25th August 2022

  Many clients of ours are working on scholarly articles for health or medical journals, and sometimes these journals specify that they require AMA style.

Star Wars Quotes to Inspire You with Your Dissertation

25th August 2022

It’s Star Wars day!!! May the Fourth be with you! We are big Star Wars fans here at Dissertation Editor and wanted to share some of our favorite quotes from a galaxy far, far away with you.

Thoughtful Thursday: Best Apps for Health and Stress Reduction

25th August 2022

Life is busy with graduate school, dissertation research and writing, work obligations, family obligations -- oh, and somewhere in there, you're supposed to sleep, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and keep your stress low.

Thoughtful Thursday: Diet and Stress

25th August 2022

The end of the semester is coming up, and you’re stressing about your next due date for your dissertation work, you’ve got work deadlines, and you’re juggling the daily responsibilities of family, too – no wonder you’re feeling the stress! We can help with editing, formatting, or statistics assistance, and are always happy to set up coaching or consultation sessions – but what about all the other stress? In times like these, many of us turn to the tried and true comfort foods, like pizza, mac n’cheese, ice cream, and chocolate; when we pull all-nighters or are working against the clock, it’s easiest to grab a bag of chips or pop something into the microwave – we get it; we’ve all been there.

Developing a Persuasive Scholarly Writing Style

20th January 2021

At the beginning of the thesis writing process, many students have yet to develop an academic writing style.

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