As graduate school looms in the not-so-distant future, you might be a little anxious about starting or going back to your graduate program or stressed out about your dissertation or thesis. If you’re starting a new job, you might be apprehensive about that. You might be wondering how you’re going to juggle family responsibilities, work, and school (see one of our posts about this, like this one here). There are a variety of ways to manage your anxiety and one of these tools is to get outside. Spending time in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety, boost mood, and help combat burnout. Being in nature – even looking at pictures of nature – can even help your physical health by lowering your blood pressure, reducing muscle tension, and reducing the production of stress hormones. It also increases your attention span and helps you focus!

If you don’t have all the outdoorsy gear or you’re not a big outdoors person, don’t panic. Here are some easy ways you can get out and reap the benefits of nature.

Take a hike. Literally! Google your area and walking trails and you’re more than likely going to find some township or city trails you didn’t even know about. If you can’t find trails, find a local park with a track or walking path. Call a friend and take a walk together. If you have kids or a partner, set up some quality bonding time with them. Don’t forget your sunscreen and water!

Explore. Take your kids to a new park or playground, take your dog for a long walk, or find a new neighborhood and take a walk around or go for a bike ride.

Just leave the house or office. Take a book – no school-related work! – and go to the park or your backyard and put a blanket down and read outside. Hang out with friends on a porch or stoop and talk, instead of being cooped up indoors. Watch the sunset from your backyard, a rooftop, or a park – and then look for shooting stars after it gets dark. Take a walk at lunch instead of staying at your desk. All of these things will help you get some fresh air. You’ll be glad you got outside.

Be creative. If you can’t get outside as much as you’d like, remember that even looking at nature scenes can be beneficial. Why not change your background screen or home screen of your computer to a calming nature scene or a place you’d love to visit?

After you refocus, ease some of that tension, and you’re ready to get back to work, Thesis Editor can help you with any challenges you face, work-wise. We’ve been where you are and our team of editors and statisticians can assist you with projects, papers, and theses. While we cannot do the work for you, we can help provide you with guidance and feedback that can help you take your work to the next level. Contact us today to learn more!

Tagged under: Dissertation Writing   General Dissertation   Graduate School   burnout   dissertation editing   graduate school support   professional services   self-care   stress   stress management  

I was at the end of my PhD in History when I came to thesis editor. I had a very specific problem in relation to the formatting of footnotes in a thesis that contained multiple landscape pages and thus multiple section breaks. The editor who worked on my thesis demonstrated an exceptional level of expertise in formatting, resolving my problem and explaining to me exactly what was done. My thesis was returned to me in good time, and I now have the PhD. I am very grateful to thesis editor for having helped me in the crucial final stages of the PhD, and would thus highly recommend their services to prospective clients.

- Kimberley P. , PhD

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