Writing and Research Tips


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When Do I Need to Do a Power Analysis?

25th August 2022

You have your dissertation topic, fleshed out your research questions, and have a plan in place for your target study population and how you’re going to collect your data.

Podcasts for Math, Statistics, and Data Analysis

25th August 2022

Do you listen to podcasts? Do you want to learn more about math or statistics? This post is for you! It’s also for those of you who may not necessarily love statistics and numbers (hey, it’s not for everyone), but want to learn more or need some clarification.

Dealing With Math Anxiety

25th August 2022

Math anxiety is real and quite common. Many graduate students dread their Statistics class or shy away from data-driven projects.

Dealing with Dyscalculia

25th August 2022

Many people are familiar with learning disabilities that deal with reading, writing, or language, but did you know that learning disabilities can also affect the ability to process and understand mathematics? Dyscalculia, sometimes also called “math dyslexia” is a math learning disability that is diagnosed in approximately 5 to 7 percent of students in the US.

Celebrate Pi Day!

25th August 2022

Ah, Pi Day – no, not PIE day, although we’d love that, too – but Pi Day, a day in which math lovers everywhere celebrate the wonder that is pi, the mathematical constant typically known as 3.

Pi Day is Here!

25th August 2022

Happy Pi Day! What is Pi Day, you ask? Pi Day is celebrated on March 14, or 3/14. (It also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday, ironically).

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- Natalie G.

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