The process of writing a dissertation or thesis can be incredibly isolating. You seclude yourself for days on end with nothing but books, pages on a computer screen, and your own thoughts. This isolation can be even more pronounced if are you writing your dissertation while away from your academic institution or community.

Academic blog writer Terry Brock has some very helpful thoughts on how to overcome this intense isolation (which can very often lead to unfinished projects and programs, or inferior work). Here are his main suggestions, upon which he elaborates in his article:

  1. Join a Writing Group

  2. Talk with Your Advisor… Whether You Need to or Not

  3. Get on the Phone with Everyone Else, Too

  4. Frequently Fly

See the full article here:

If Brock’s advice doesn't totally help your feelings of dissertation isolation, we would love to become a part of your dissertation writing community. Our Thesis Editors will reincorporate you into a dissertation community by engaging with your regularly with helpful review and consultation. We will give you the feedback and sense of scholastic camaraderie you need for your dissertation or thesis to succeed, as well as assist you with editing and formatting your work. Call about our dissertation services today, or visit


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I wish to thank Thesis Editor Ltd and its staff for providing editorial and formatting services in support of finalising my doctoral thesis. These services were provided consistent with an agreed upon scope of work and timeframe. The quality of the work was excellent and the attention to detail was much appreciated. Without hesitation, I recommend anyone seeking support with their academic manuscript or other types of work products that require editorial review and formatting to speak with Dawn Leach, Director of Operations, Thesis Editor Ltd. I found Dawn to be very responsive and extremely helpful.

- Kevin G. Rattue , University of Oxford, January 2021

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