
Happy Pi Day! What is Pi Day, you ask? Pi Day is celebrated on March 14, or 3/14. (It also happens to be Albert Einstein’s birthday, ironically). It’s called Pi Day because the mathematical term pi is 3.14. Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi has actually been calculated to over one trillion digits beyond the decimal point, and will continue indefinitely because it’s an “irrational and transcendental” number. For most mathematical purposes, we consider pi to be simply 3.14.

To read more about why pi is so important, check out this New Yorker article. Even if you’re not a “math person,” it’s really fascinating.

How are you celebrating Pi Day? How about eating…pie, of course! You can also eat “pi”-themed foods, like pi-erogies, pi-zza, pi-stachios, and pi-neapple. There are also plenty of math-themed or math-related movies to enjoy, like Pi, Proof, Good Will Hunting, The Theory of Everything, and Moneyball. For the especially ambitious, you can hold contests with fellow math-loving friends to see who can memorize the most digits of pi.

After your celebration and you get back to work on your dissertation, you might be looking at your own data and wondering how you’re going to get through it. We can help!

Many people struggle with the mathematical or analytical aspects of their dissertations. Here at Thesis Editor, we have an entire statistics team that can help you with your stats, research, and analysis needs. Dr. Adrienne Dougherty is our Stats Team Manager, and excels in working with clients to find out exactly what they need for their project. Our stats team assists clients at every step of the research process, from consulting with you to prepare a research plan or evaluate your proposed methodology and course of action, to running the data, to reviewing the results with you to ensure you understand the rationale behind the results, and what the implications are for your research.

Whether your project is qualitative or quantitative, we can help. We offer assistance with Nvivo, SPSS, SAS, R, AMOS, and more. We can also help with regressions, factor analyses, data importation and formatting, and structural equation modelling. Check out our FAQ page to get all the nitty-gritty. Dr. Dougherty is also always happy to take a look at what you’ve been working on and seeing how we can best help you with your individual needs.

If you’d like to see how we can help with your project, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our stats line is (857) 600-2243, and our stats email is stats@thesis-editor.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you!


Tagged under: Dissertation Methodology and Statistical Analysis   General Dissertation   Graduate School   Pi Day   analysis assistance   research assistance   statistical analysis   statistics services  

Initially I had trouble writing my Project scope for my DBA  as I have an undergraduate in English and an MBA which meant I could write essays at a business report level but not a doctorate level. I reached out to Dr Leach at a Thesis Editor and she spoke with me over the phone several times trying to understand what I needed. She also put together a quick turnaround package as my deadline was very close by. Ultimately, she scheduled an appointment with an editor with many years of experience who guided me back onto the right path. My supervisors at university had only helped me a little but the Thesis Editor team have supported me entirely. I am not only grateful but will be working with Thesis Editor for the entirety of my DBA - the next 4 years. Thank you Dr Leach and thank you to the Thesis Editor team for a wonderful experience.

- Rahil Ghazni MBA , Director of Sanctuary Law and Fast Track Training

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